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Results Inquiry

Results Inquiry

If you've been unable to find your NYCRUNS race results, or if you believe them to be inaccurate - you've come to the right place! Please submit as much of this form as you can (the more information we have, the better!) and allow up to 48 hours for a response from our timing department. Thank You!

First Name*
Last Name*
Invalid email
Which race are you referring to?*
If you still have it, what is the number on the metallic portion of the BACK of your bib?
Please provide a brief description of the problem you've experienced*
How long did it take you to finish the Race (specifically, we are looking for the time between crossing the start line and the finish line)?
How long did it take you to cross the start line after you heard the horn?
What was your estimated start time (the time of day you started)?
What was your estimated finish time (the time of day you finished)?
What was the number on the FRONT of your bib?*
What were you wearing during the race? - This will help us to easily find you in race photography or video if need be