Are You Experienced? You Will Be In Brooklyn - The Final Price Break Is Near!
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Steve LastoeFounder & Chief Executive Officer. A career middle-of-the-pack runner, Steve founded NYCRUNS in 2009 because he thought there was a need for a running calendar that focused on the New York Metropolitan area. He had absolutely no idea where that idea was going to take him but is committed to building a company that provides good careers for people who want to put on the best running events in NYC, while developing the NYCRUNS Brooklyn Marathon & Half Marathon into one of the world’s most popular races.

Steve lives with his wife, Stacey, a few blocks from Prospect Park in Brooklyn where their dog, Odie, regularly shows him up by running laps around him. In his spare time, he snowboards, plays softball, spends an inordinate amount of time smoking meat in the yard, and endures being a huge fan of the New York Mets. He has been known to podcast.

Michele GretanoChief Operating Officer. A former running enthusiast, Michele completed over 40 half marathons before focusing exclusively on Weightlifting and CrossFit. She joined the team at NYCRUNS in 2013, quickly learned all the aspects of running operations for the company, and eventually became Director of Operations. Now, as COO, Michele manages legal, finance, and insurance; and supervises HR and day-to-day operations of The Team.

In addition to her work at NYCRUNS, Michele owns and manages CrossFit Bridge & Tunnel and is a TNRM certified rescuer for her own organization, Interboro Cat Rescue.

Songyi Ma, Chief Technology Officer. While he spends most of his time improving our online platform from our Malaysian branch, Ma occasionally visits New York to win his race. His favorite race? The Queens Half!

Ma is probably the least experienced runner on the team but one day, he plans to run an actual marathon as his beloved wife and daughter cheer for him at the finish line.


Alex Klafehn, Assistant Event Manager. An avid cyclist, enthusiastic hiker, and occasional runner, Alex has found a home in making folks go in circles as fast as they can.

On race day you’ll find Alex on course, setting mile markers and ensuring your 5k is actually 5km long (we check!), escorting our lead athletes on the bike, and then packing up the whole thing so we’re ready for the next one.

Jennifer Heiner, Employee and Athlete Experience Manager. Previously serving as our Festival Director on race day, Jen started working at NYCRUNS in 2021 when injury kept her from running races herself. Now, she oversees our customer service team and helps hire and onboard our newest members of The Team.

When she’s not hanging out with Willow, (the best bulldog in the world), you’ll find her cheering on the New York Giants or training for her next marathon – next up, Tokyo in March 2024!

Calley Jastrow, Partnership Manager. Calley Jastrow, a Michigan native who now calls Bushwick home. Among directing NYCRUNS races and overseeing our Cause Partnerships program, Calley directed the Expo for the 2023 NYCRUNS Brooklyn Half Marathon.

She’s a lover of art in all forms and large daytime gatherings – whether it’s a picnic, a parade, a dance party, or a race! When she isn’t helping you win your race (or running one herself), you can find her tending to her patio garden or curled up with a good non-fiction book.

Patrick Huntoon, Senior Event Specialist & Warehouse Manager. Originally from Niagara Falls, Patrick has over 20 years of sports and event management experience, working in professional hockey, baseball, basketball, soccer, lacrosse, and NASCAR stadiums and arenas across the country throughout his career.

Patrick started out running NYCRUNS races, then volunteering for them, and now you can find him directing NYCRUNS athletes to their start/finish lines, in between helping set up and break down the courses. He’s run a handful of 5 and 10Ks and about 12 half marathons, but would love to add a triathlon to that list of accomplishments.

Patrick lives in Greenpoint, Brooklyn with his girlfriend, where he cheers for the Buffalo Bills and the Buffalo Sabres (as hard as that can be sometimes!). He never turns down a chance to tour a brewery, distillery, chateau, or orchard.

Geoff Vincent, Race Command Officer. Geoff’s been running and racing in the New York area for over 40 years. A one-time regular of the road racing scene, these days he prefers to indulge in trail running when the opportunity arises.

Besides spending weekends out on the course placing mile markers or riding lead bike, Geoff’s day job finds him working for the State as an applications trainer. A big craft beer aficionado, Geoff lives in Kensington with his girlfriend Shana (who he met through running).

John Liu, Athlete Experience Representative & Registration Manager. A native New Yorker and avid couch potato, it took the pandemic for John to discover his love for traveling, hiking and, of course, running.

His favorite cities to visit are Paris, Rome, and Montreal. His favorite hikes the past few years are the Cadillac Mountain sunrise hike at Acadia, the Narrows at Zion National Park and lastly the Fagradalsfjall volcano in Iceland. His favorite NYCRUNS race would have to be the Coney Island Classic, as a baseball fanatic, having the chance to run along the outfield and then finish at home plate was amazing.

When John isn’t outdoors or being active, he is most likely playing video games still on his couch, but he also reads now! John is also secretly a huge Yankees fan.


Douglas Olney, Course Manager. Doug first took up running while in high school in the mid-1970s and then ran cross-country and track at the Division III collegiate level. Over 40 years later, Doug is still at it, although these days races are run more for participation rather than competition.

After getting up bright and early to set up your NYCRUNS event, Doug is most often found out on the race course, leading the pack on his bicycle, working at a water station, providing course directions, or taking on any other task dreamed up by the event directors!