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One of the things we’ve always prided ourselves on is that our races, no matter how big they may have gotten, are not overcrowded. We take pride in constructing corrals that have plenty of milling room (that’s the technical term for extra space) so that you don’t feel packed in like sweaty sardines. With that in mind, we’ve thought hard about how to construct “pandemic transitional” corrals to allow for mass starts going forward. Here’s how it’s going to work.

Our main corral will be for vaccinated runners only and you will need to show proof of full vaccination to enter. To be clear, we will not accept negative COVID-19 tests. CDC cards (photos are fine), the Excelsior app, and anything else our medical director deems acceptable will grant you access to this corral. Runners that are in this corral do not need to wear a mask or practice social distancing throughout the event, though you should use your best judgement and go out of your way to be respectful to others. We’re still getting used to each other!

Behind that, there will be a socially distanced corral more or less identical to those we have used since August. Even if you are vaccinated, you may use this corral, though you must  adhere to the rules regarding social distancing and mask usage as outlined on the event page if you do. Runners will go through standard temperature and health checks when entering this corral.

For now, we will be maintaining nearly every other COVID protocol that has been in place, though we will continue to evaluate what makes the most sense relative to current public health guidance. There are more details on the event pages and you will of course receive specific instructions via email on a race by race basis. 

As always, if you have any questions or concerns on COVID-19 policies, please email us.